
舒曼:給踏板鋼琴與管風琴的作品全集,安德烈•羅斯柯夫(管風琴) Schumann:Complete Works for Pedal Piano/Organ

舒曼:給踏板鋼琴與管風琴的作品全集,安德烈•羅斯柯夫(管風琴) Schumann:Complete Works for Pedal Piano/Organ
專輯編號: AUD97411
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 1989
國際條碼: 4022143974112
音樂廠牌: AUDITE
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Schumann’s birth audite presents with this re-issue his complete works for pedal piano.

“On 24 April [1845] we received a pedal for our piano on hire, which gave us great pleasure. It was primarily intended for practicing organ playing. But Robert soon developed a greater interest in this instrument and composed some sketches and studies for the pedal piano which will certainly be greeted with enthusiasm as something utterly new”, wrote Clara Schumann in her diary. In May 1845 Schumann finished a first group of works for the pedal piano; he wrote: “To be truthful, I am pretty confident in this instrument and feel that, in time, it might bring new impulses to piano music. Wonderful effects can be made with.” Although this interesting instrumental hybrid was used for example at the Leipzig Conservatory as a practice instrument for organ students, it did not manage to find a permanent place in musical practice.
All works for pedal piano – the „Sketches“ Op. 58, the „Studies“ Op. 56 and the „Six Fugues on the name BACH“ for Organ or Pedal Piano Op. 60 – originate in Schumann’s phase of “fugal passion”, as he himself put it, in 1845. They are characterized by a severe style, which also testifies to Schumann’s profound veneration of Johann Sebastian Bach. On the present CD the works are interpreted on the historic Walcker Organ in Hoffenheim/ Germany.

Andreas Rothkopf studied piano, organ and conducting at the music conservatoires in Saarbrücken, Cologne and Paris. As an organist, he has received many prizes and awards at national and international competitions. Engagements as an organist and pianist as well as invitations to teach and judge have taken him all over Europe, Israel, the Middle East, South America and Japan. Since 1986 Andreas Rothkopf is Professor of Organ at the Hochschule für Musik Saar.


Skizzen für den Pedalflügel op. 58
Andreas Rothkopf
I. Nicht schnell und sehr markiert (c-moll)(02:56) 
II. Nicht schnell und sehr markiert (C-dur)(03:34) 
III. Lebhaft (f-moll)(04:46) 
IV. Allegretto (Des-dur)(02:36) 
Studien für den Pedalflügel op. 56 – Sechs Stücke in kanonischer Form
Andreas Rothkopf
I. Nicht zu schnell (C-dur)(02:13) 
II. Mit innigem Ausdruck (a-moll)(04:04) 
III. Andantino – Etwas schneller (E-dur)(02:16) 
IV. Innig (As-dur)(03:55) 
V. Nicht zu schnell (h-moll)(02:47) 
VI. Adagio (H-dur)(04:03) 
Sechs Fugen über den Namen BACH für Orgel oder Pianoforte mit Pedal op. 60
Andreas Rothkopf
I. Langsam – Nach und nach schneller und stärker (B-dur)(05:15) 
II. Lebhaft (B-dur)(05:55) 
III. Mit sanften Stimmen (g-moll)(03:04) 
IV. Mäßig, doch nicht zu langsam (B-dur)(04:31) 
V. Lebhaft (F-dur)(02:38) 
VI. Mäßig, nach und nach schneller – Lebhafter (B-dur)(07:14)  

