
皮澤第、卡斯特諾沃-泰德斯可:小提琴奏鳴曲 Pizzetti & Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Violin Sonatas

皮澤第、卡斯特諾沃-泰德斯可:小提琴奏鳴曲 Pizzetti & Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Violin Sonatas
專輯編號: CDA67869
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2014
國際條碼: 5024709174010
音樂廠牌: Hyperion
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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Hagai Shaham and Arnon Erez continue their exploration of the early twentieth-century violin repertoire, turning this
time to Italy. These musicians are noted for their full-blooded performances: here they revel exuberantly in the music’s
operatic passion.
Pizzetti was at the height of his fame at a time when Italian music was all the rage; his pupil Castelnuovo-Tedesco
eventually fled Italian anti-semitism to embark on a successful career in Hollywood.
Pizzetti’s Violin Sonata in A major was described by the late John C G Waterhouse, Britain’s leading authority on
twentieth-century Italian music, as ‘much the most impressive sonata for violin and piano that has ever been written by
an Italian’. His Tre canti were written in 1924, originally for cello and piano, then transcribed by the composer for violin.
Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Sonata quasi una fantasia, Op 56, was composed in 1929, with a dedication to the Hungarian
violinist Adila Fachiri (also the dedicatee of Bartók’s two violin sonatas). The Tre vocalizzi were originally written in 1928
as vocalises for wordless voice and piano. They were subsequently arranged for violin and piano by Mario Corti, who
saw the potential in these pieces for transcriptions that used violin techniques to imaginative effect, with extensive use of
double-stopping and harmonics, as well


Violin Sonata in A major[29'59]Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880-1968)
1 Tempestoso[11'21]
2 Preghiera per gl'innocenti: Molto largo[9'31]
3 Vivo e fresco[9'07]
Tre canti[12'08]Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880-1968)
4 Affettuoso[4'12]
5 Quasi grave e commosso[3'52]
6 Appassionato[4'04]
Sonata quasi una fantasia Op 56[17'42]Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968)
7 Prologo: Moderato e pensoso[6'40]
8 Intermezzo: Vivace e danzante[3'54]
9 Epilogo: Calmo[7'08]
Tre vocalizzi Op 55[8'43]Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968), arr. Mario Corti (1882-1957)
10 Andantino (Pan ed Eco)[3'10]
11 Molto calmo e malinconico (Come una nenia marinaresca)[3'13]
12 Tempo di Fox Trot: Ironico e tagliente (American Music)[2'20]

