
穆索斯基:展覽會之畫、普羅高菲夫:羅密歐與茱麗葉選曲集 Nikolai Demidenko plays Musorgsky & Prokofiev

穆索斯基:展覽會之畫、普羅高菲夫:羅密歐與茱麗葉選曲集 Nikolai Demidenko plays Musorgsky & Prokofiev
專輯編號: CDH55306
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2015
國際條碼: 0034571153063
音樂廠牌: Hyperion
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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Musorgsky's musical tribute to the painter and architect Viktor Hartmann has become his most familiar work, and this recording presents the original piano version of Pictures from an Exhibition. It is an extraordinary work, combining intense demands for virtuoso technique with an inexorable momentum which keeps what is fundamentally an impressionistic work in many movements moving towards its grand climax with the 'Great Gate of Kiev' finale.

Prokofiev is one of those composers who would constantly reuse material from one work in another. However, although the Ten Pieces from Romeo and Juliet may seem at first glance to be merely a medley gleaned from the more famous ballet, it should not be forgotten that Prokofiev published the set independently and that it was first performed the year before the finished ballet, perhaps by way of an advertisement for the more challenging (financially, at least) work to follow.

Also included here is Prokofiev's Toccata, written in 1912 while he was at the St Petersburg Conservatoire. The work was possibly conceived as a movement of the Second Piano Sonata, but Prokofiev evidently decided the work was worthy of publication in its own right.


Pictures from an Exhibition [33'54]
Modest Musorgsky (1839-1881)
1 Promenade 1 [1'17]
2 No 1: Gnomus [2'47]
3 Promenade 2 [1'01]
4 No 2: The Old Castle (Il vecchio castello) [4'40]
5 Promenade 3 [0'26]
6 No 3: Tuileries. Children quarrelling after play [1'00]
7 No 4: Bydlo (A Polish Ox-cart) [2'51]
8 Promenade 4 [0'50]
9 No 5: Ballet of the unhatched chicks [1'12]
10 No 6: Two Polish Jews, one rich, the other poor (Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle) [2'11]
11 Promenade 5 [1'19]
12 No 7: Limoges, the market place [1'24]
13 No 8a: Catacombae. Sepulchrum Romanum [2'04]
14 No 8b: Con mortuis in lingua mortua [2'13]
15 No 9: Baba Yaga (The hut on fowl's legs) [3'29]
16 No 10: The Great Gate of Kiev [5'10]

Ten Pieces from Romeo and Juliet Op 75 [36'30]
Serge Prokofiev (1891-1953)
17 National dance [4'19]
18 Scena (The street wakens) [1'31]
19 Minuet (The arrival of the guests) [3'13]
20 Juliet as a young girl [3'41]
21 Masks [2'37]
22 Montagues and Capulets [4'22]
23 Friar Laurence [3'06]
24 Mercutio [2'15]
25 Dance of the girls with the lilies [3'41]
26 Romeo and Juliet before parting [7'45]
27 Toccata in D minor Op 11 [4'25]

