
搖擺樂 - 班尼.古德曼的故事 皮耶.真尼森 單簧管 凱斯·洛克哈特 指揮 BBC音樂會管弦樂團 Pierre Genisson / Swing: a Benny Goodman Story

搖擺樂 - 班尼.古德曼的故事  皮耶.真尼森 單簧管 凱斯·洛克哈特 指揮 BBC音樂會管弦樂團	Pierre Genisson / Swing: a Benny Goodman Story
搖擺樂 - 班尼.古德曼的故事  皮耶.真尼森 單簧管 凱斯·洛克哈特 指揮 BBC音樂會管弦樂團	Pierre Genisson / Swing: a Benny Goodman Story
專輯編號: AP218
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2020
國際條碼: 5051083152686
音樂廠牌: Aparté
庫存狀態: 有庫存
   - 或 -   

搖擺樂 - 班尼.古德曼的故事 
皮耶.真尼森 單簧管
凱斯·洛克哈特 指揮 BBC音樂會管弦樂團

皮耶.真尼森在他的新專輯中向大眾所知的搖擺樂之王班尼.古德曼(Benny Goodman)留下的事蹟和他世界級的成就致敬.
他出生於伊利諾州芝加哥, 是單簧管音樂家, 也是作曲家兼指揮家的的音樂生涯分佈在爵士樂和古典音樂之間. 他是第一個和黑人音樂家在1938年著名的卡內基廳表演爵士樂的人. 雖然我們知道許多他的標準爵士樂, 他也對單簧管古典音樂曲目的發展貢獻很多, 例如: 他傑出的演奏柯普蘭的協奏曲, 伯恩斯坦的前奏曲, 賦格和重複短樂句(Riff), 巴爾托克的對比三重奏.
匯集這些代表性作品在一起的還有一些令人難忘的名曲如"Sweet Georgia Brown" 和不可抗拒的"Sing, sing, sing", 皮耶.真尼森讓班尼.古德曼星光閃耀並與BBC音樂會管弦樂團傑出的音樂家們再次證明了他的天分.

For his new record, Pierre Genisson honors the legacy of the one known as the 'King of Swing' and his worldwide successes: Benny Goodman.

Both composer and conductor, born in Chicago, Illinois, the clarinetist shared his musical life between jazz and classical music: He was the first to perform jazz music with black musicians in the famous Carnegie Hall in 1938. Though we know most of his jazz standards, he also contributed a lot to the development of the classic clarinet repertoire: for instance he distinguished himself performing Aaron Copland's Concerto, Bernstein's Prelude, Fugue and Riffs or Bartok's Contrasts.

Bringing together these emblematic works with unforgettable hits like "Sweat Georgia Brown" or the irresistible "Sing, sing, sing", Pierre Genisson makes Benny Goodman's star shine brighter and proves once again, alongside with the brilliant musicians of the BBC Concert Orchestra, all the extent of his talent. 


Pierre Genisson
BBC Concert Orchestra
Keith Lockhart

1 Sing, sing, sing (with a swing)  05:10
2 Concerto for clarinet, strings and harp I. Slowly and expressively 07:58
3 Concerto for clarinet, strings and harp II. Rather fast 07:25
4 Chicago  03:15
5 Prelude, Fugue and Riffs I. Prelude 01:55
6 Prelude, Fugue and Riffs II. Fugue 01:48
7 Prelude, Fugue and Riffs III. Riffs 04:10
8 Sweet Lorraine  03:08
9 Ebony Concerto I. Allegro moderato 03:09
10 Ebony Concerto II. Andante 02:30
11 Ebony Concerto III. Moderato con moto 03:40
12 Stompin' at the Savoy  03:10
13 Sweet Georgia Brown  03:34

