
德利伯: 芭蕾舞組曲 尼米.賈維 指揮 皇家蘇格蘭國家管弦樂團 Neeme Jarvi / Delibes: Ballet Suites

德利伯: 芭蕾舞組曲 尼米.賈維 指揮 皇家蘇格蘭國家管弦樂團	Neeme Jarvi / Delibes: Ballet Suites
德利伯: 芭蕾舞組曲 尼米.賈維 指揮 皇家蘇格蘭國家管弦樂團	Neeme Jarvi / Delibes: Ballet Suites
專輯編號: CHSA5257
專輯類型: SACD
發行年份: 2021
國際條碼: 0095115525722
庫存狀態: 有庫存
   - 或 -   

德利伯: 芭蕾舞組曲 (希爾維亞/柯碧莉亞/泉)
尼米.賈維 指揮

尼米.賈維和皇家蘇格蘭國家管弦樂團再度合作演奏德利伯耀眼的芭蕾舞組曲專輯(希爾維亞/柯碧莉亞/泉). 德利伯出生在一個音樂世家, 十二歲就讀於巴黎國立高等音樂舞蹈學院(Paris Conservatoire), 在阿道夫.亞當(Adolphe Adam)等教授們指導下學習音樂. 在1850到1960年代早期, 他編寫輕歌劇並兼職當教堂管風琴師, 一直到1866年才以芭蕾舞(泉)獲得大眾賞識他的音樂. 他之後的芭蕾舞劇(希爾維亞/柯碧莉亞)是現代芭蕾舞發展的重要作品, 賦予音樂部份變得比以前更重要. 這三齣芭蕾舞劇情在該時期的慣例是模糊的, 曲折和複雜的, 但肯定是德利伯在抒情旋律和音樂表達情緒或感覺方面的天分, 提升這三齣的樂譜優於同時代其他人 – (柯碧莉亞)甚至成為最常在巴黎歌劇院表演的芭蕾舞劇. 德利伯是在從芭蕾舞音樂創造出管弦樂組曲的重要地位(光這一點就讓柴可夫斯基羨慕不已), 也因此預期確實可以在沒有舞台或舞者的情況下進行表演. 在此專輯中, 尼米.賈維加入幾個額外的樂章來擴充德利伯生涯中出現的組曲.

Neeme Jarvi returns to the Royal Scottish National Orchestra for a dazzling album of suites from the ballets Sylvia, La Source, and Coppelia by Delibes. Born into a musical family, Delibes enrolled at the Paris Conservatoire aged twelve, studying under several professors including Adolphe Adam. He spent
the 1850s and early 1860s composing light operettas and working as a church organist, before achieving public recognition for his music for the ballet La Source in 1866. His later ballets Coppelia and Sylvia were key works in the development of modern ballet, giving the music much greater importance
than was previously the case. Typical of the period, the plots for these ballets are obscure, convoluted, and complex, but it's certainly Delibes's talent for lyrical melody and musical expression of a mood or feeling that elevates all three of these scores above their contemporaries – indeed Coppelia went on to
become the most frequently performed ballet at the Paris Opera. Delibes was at the forefront of creating orchestral suites from his ballet music (much to the envy of Tchaikovsky, among others), and thus were indeed envisaged to be performed without staging or dancers. On this album Neeme Jarvi adds several
additional movements to expand upon the suites which appeared in Delibes's lifetime.

Delibes: Sylvia: Suite 23:50
1. Les chasseresses 3:08
2. Intermezzo 1:10
3. Valse lente 3:57
4. Pizzicati 2:13
5. Moderato 4:10
6. Strette. Galop 2:27
7. Marche et cortege de Bacchus 6:45
Hide 4 tracks for Delibes: Sylvia: Suite
Delibes: La Source - suite 28:35
8. Pas des voiles 3:30
9. Variation 1:08
10. Danse circassienne 2:58
11. Scene dansee 2:17
12. Lent2:28
13. Mouvement de valse 4:40
14. Pas de Naïla 2:04
15. Scene et pas d'action 3:59
16. Mazurka 2:53Marche dansee et final 2:38
Hide 7 tracks for Delibes: La Source - suite
Delibes: Coppelia - Suite 30:16
17. Prelude 4:50
18. Valse 2:40Theme slave varie 0:45
19. Var. 1 0:44
20. Var. 2 0:44
21. Var. 3 0:40
22. Var. 4 2:29
23.Var. 5 1:37
24. Csardas 3:14
25. Musique des automates 2:13
26. Scene 1:24
27. Valse de la poupee 2:17
28. La priere 2:19
29. Danse de fête 1:21
30. Galop final 2:59

