
1700(18世紀義大利作曲家作品) 里納多.阿列山德里尼 指揮 / Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano / 1700

1700(18世紀義大利作曲家作品) 里納多.阿列山德里尼  指揮 / Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano / 1700
專輯編號: OP30568
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2018
國際條碼: 0709861305681
音樂廠牌: NAIVE
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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Following on from the noteworthy al-bum ‘1600', released in 2012, ‘1700' is a vibrant homage to Italian Baroque, in which Rinaldo Alessandrini has brought together the most outstand-ing Italian composers of the first half of the eighteenth century: Locatelli, Mascitti, Vivaldi, Caldara, Durante, Ga-luppi and Pugnani. All of these com-posers went into exile, serv-ing prestigious foreign courts. They each evolved the ‘Italian style,’ based either on their own tastes or those of the country in which they had taken refuge. Each composer created his own share of wonders, to which Maes-tro Alessandrini’s intelligent and re-fined interpretation brings a passionate fresh
“Throughout the eighteenth century, and to a considerable extent, the fate of many Italian composers was to emigrate, and serve at courts and chapels far from home. Many of them broke away from the rules governing the legato style of their home country, developing a completely independent personality through the mingling of musical languages and the superimposition of tastes and fashions. Accordingly, in their works national styles lose their sharply-defined con-tours, as they undergo a process of personal and subtle assimilation of the most striking as-pects of their host country’s musical culture.
In particular, the Italians exported their taste for melodic cantabile, their elegance, and a certain kind of histrionic individualism inherited from the opera stage and the great instrumental virtuosi. The encounter with musical Europe often caused a realignment of those elements, though they remained one of the multiple components of the composers’ personalities.”

 michele mascitti
concerto in mi minore op.7 no2 1727
1 Allegro moderato 2'18
2 Allegro 1'57
3 Larghetto 2'46
4 Allegro moderato 2'20

antonio caldara 1670-1736
sinfonia da la morte di abel, vienna 1732
5 Larghetto 1'22
6 Andante 2'22

antonio vivaldi 1678-1741
concerto in re maggiore op.12 no3, rv 124 1729
7 Allegro 2'10
8 Grave 2'02
9 Allegro 1'57

francesco durante 1684-1755
concerto a quattro in sol minore
10 Affettuoso - Presto 6'04
11 Largo affettuoso 3'45
12 Allegro 2'32

francesco geminiani 1687-1762
sonata a quattro dal concerto grosso op.3 no3 in mi minore 1732
13 Adagio e staccato - Allegro 2'46
14 Adagio 1'40
15 Allegro 3'34
16 Lamento. Largo 1'33
17 Alla breve ma moderato 1'50
18 Grave 2'21
19 Non presto 2'01
20 La consolazione. Andante 2'38

baldassare galuppi 1706-85
concerto a quattro in sol minore
21 Grave e adagio 2'55
22 Spiritoso 2'37
23 Allegro 3'54

gaetano pugnani 1731-98
sinfonia per archi in si bemolle maggiore
24 Adagio 5'25

