
Elgar: The Kingdom, Sospiri, Sursum Corda

Elgar: The Kingdom,  Sospiri, Sursum Corda
專輯編號: CHAN241-54
專輯類型: 雙CD
發行年份: 2015
國際條碼: 0095115245422
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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Following the success of The Dream of Gerontius in 1900 and The Apostles in 1903, the Birmingham Triennial Music Festival commissioned Elgar to produce another large oratorio for the 1906 festival. The Kingdom continues the narrative of the lives of Jesus’ disciples, depicting the community of the early church, Pentecost, and the events of the next few days. Although less frequently performed than The Dream of Gerontius, The Kingdom is considered one of Elgar’s greatest choral works, and deserves to rank alongside it.

This re-release of the 1989 recording also features Sursum Corda and Sospiri, two short, reflective instrumental pieces. If in the former – produced in a great hurry in 1894 – Elgar adopted a style which was to mature over the next years, he was overtaken by his own nature in the latter – first performed soon after the outbreak of war in 1914 – and produced a heartfelt personal statement which in its small compass conveys the emotion of the great slow movements of his finest works.


Edward Elgar (1857-1934)
The Kingdom, Op. 51 94:02
1  Prelude. Allegro maestoso - 09:02
      Part I 16:43
      In the Upper Room
2  The Disciples and the Holy Women: 'Seek 1:37
      first the kingdom of God' -
3  Peter: 'Where two or three are gathered 2:34
      together in My Name' -
4  Peter: 'He took bread, and blessed it' - 4:00
5  Peter: Men and brethren' - 2:30
6  Peter, Jon, and the Disciples: 'Thou, Lord, Which 1:08
      knowest the hearts of all men' -
7  Recitative. Chorus: 'They gave forth their lots' - 1:25
8  Chorus: 'O ye priests!' 3:25
      Part II
      At the Beautiful Gate
      The Morn of Pentecost
9  Mary and Mary Magdalen: 'The singers are before 5:28
      the alter'
      Part III 25:22
      In the Upper Room
10  Recitative: Tenor: 'And when the day of Pentecost 0:48
      was fully come' -
11  The Disciples: 'When the great Lord will' - 3:51
12  Recitative: Mezzo-soprano: 'And suddenly there came 2:22
      from heaven a sound ' -
      In Solomon's Porch
13  The People: 'Behold, are not all these which 3:23
      speak, Galil熡s?' -
14  Peter: 'Ye men of Jud潻' - 9:12
15  Peter: 'Repent, and be baptised every one of you' 5:44
      TT 56:48
      Part IV 19:08
      The Sign of Healing
      At the Beautiful Gate
1  Recitative. Mezzo-soprano - 'Then they that gladly 3:13
      received his word were baptised' -
2  Mezzo-soprano: 'The man that was lame' - 3:20
3  John: 'Unto you that fear His Name ' - 2:30
      The Arrest
4  Recitative. Mezzo-soprano: 'And as they spake' - 1:28
5  Mary: 'The sun goeth down' 8:36
      Part V 18:01
      The Upper Room
      In Fellowship
6  The Disciples and the Holy Women: 'The voice of 3:41
      joy is in the dwelling of the righteous' -
7  The Disciples and the Holy Women: 'Lord, Thou didst 2:41
      make the heaven ' -
      The Breaking of Bread
8  The Disciples and the Holy Women: 'Thou, Almighty Lord, 5:34
      hast given food and drink to mankind' -
      The Prayers
9  All: 'Our Father, Which art in Heaven' - 3:16
10  John: 'Ye have received the Spirit of adoption' 2:46
  Margaret Marshall soprano - The Blessed Virgin
  Felicity Palmer mezzo-soprano - Mary Magdalene
  Arthur Davies tenor - St John
  David Wilson-Johnson bass - St Peter
  London Symphony Chorus
11 Sospiri, Op. 70 4:35
      Adagio for String Orchestra, with harp and Orga
12 Sursum Corda, Op. 11 9:47
      TT 51:58

