
進化之聲~銅管樂團作品集 Sounds of Evolution

進化之聲~銅管樂團作品集 Sounds of Evolution
專輯編號: 97723
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2016
國際條碼: 4022143977236
音樂廠牌: AUDITE
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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Seven commissioned works, eight world premieres and
first recordings – the new pieces for brass ensemble
(2015/14) for and with Salaputia Brass are worth listening
to at every moment, always enjoyable, and never aloof or
elitist. As dedicatees and performers of the works they
themselves commissioned, Salaputia Brass significantly
enriches the repertoire and range of recordings for brass
ensemble. They make use of their many international connections
along the way, performing music by Swiss, Catalan,
German, Brazilian, British, and American composers,
including such renowned composers as Daniel Schnyder
and Derek Bourgeois. Consisting of four trumpeters (plus
one alternate trumpeter), four trombonists, a French
hornist, a tuba player, and a percussionist, the ensemble
provides convincing evidence that "today's music" can
indeed be fun, and all we can say is: They got rhythm!
The members of Salaputia Brass met already as young musicians while playing for the Bundesjugendorchester
(German National Youth Orchestra), before forming the ensemble in 2007. Their success story began when
they won First Prize at the Jugend musiziert national competition, continuing with a prize at the International
Competition for Brass Ensembles in Passau. Scholarships from the Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben (German
Foundation for Musical Life) and Erwin Fricke Foundation followed in addition to numerous concert and
festival performances.

Today many of the ensemble's members hold solo positions in such leading German orchestras as the
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, Gürzenich-Orchester Köln, Konzerthausorchester Berlin, Hessisches Staatsorchester
Wiesbaden, Philharmonisches Staaatsorchester Hamburg, and Augsburger Philharmoniker.
The remarkable artistic development the musicians and ensemble have undergone can now be heard on their
debut CD with audite; their next release is already being planned.


Daniel Schnyder: Brass Symphony
I. Entrada
II. Roxanne
III. Hymnus
IV. Scherzo, "Emanuelle's Dance"
V. Finale
Oriol Cruixent: Brasserie Mediterrània
Brasserie Mediterrània
Peter Dörpinghaus: 4 Bagatelles
I. Die Zeit, die Zeit
II. #wo
III. 51688
Fernando Morais: Indigene Cantos
Indigene Cantos
Derek Bourgeois: Airs and Atmospheres, Op. 367
I. Aura
II. Spirit
III. Delight
IV. Doldrums
V. Emotion
Markus Geiselhart: A Short Story in Brass
A Short Story in Brass
Peer Markusson: Sad Doe Eyes
Sad Doe Eyes
Ingo Luis: Fantasy on "I Got Rhythm"
Fantasy on "I Got Rhythm"

