
史卡拉第/波普拉: 神劇作品 提波.諾阿利 指揮/小提琴 / Thibault Noally / Oratorio (sacred works by Scarlatti, Porpora, Bononcini, Gasparini)

史卡拉第/波普拉: 神劇作品   提波.諾阿利 指揮/小提琴 / Thibault Noally / Oratorio (sacred works by Scarlatti, Porpora, Bononcini, Gasparini)
史卡拉第/波普拉: 神劇作品   提波.諾阿利 指揮/小提琴 / Thibault Noally / Oratorio (sacred works by Scarlatti, Porpora, Bononcini, Gasparini)
專輯編號: AP178
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2018
國際條碼: 5051083127769
音樂廠牌: Aparté
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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Since its foundation in 2014, Thibault Noally's ensemble Les Accents brings to life rare works from the Italian Baroque era: in particular the vocal repertoire of the 17th and 18th centuries. Their new record features unpublished extracts of oratorios. Born at the same time and made of the same theatrical stuff as his opera brother, the oratorio, a lyric and dramatic work without staging, also moves the crowds! And its heroines Athalie and Judith have the same temper as their operatic counterparts.The virtuoso arias of Caldara, Scarlatti (father) or Porpora performed by the mezzo-soprano Blandine Staskiewicz, full of baroque ornaments and jubilant flights, also testify to the instrumental ardor of the genre: the dramatic effects of the orchestra, the alternation of allegros and adagios, and the various of playing modes marry the movements of the passions of these characters with great intensity.

Antonio Caldara (1670-1736)

1. La Castita al Cimento « Numi offesi di furor »*
2. Maddalena a piedi di Cristo « Per il mar del pianto mio »

Giovanni Bononcini (1670-1747)
3. La Converzione di Maddalena « Cor imbelle a due nemici »

Francesco Gasparini (1661-1727)
4. Atalia « Ombre, cure, sospetti »
5. Atalia « Terrori d'Averno »

Nicola Antonio Porpora (1686-1768)
6.  Il Trionfo della Divina Giustizia « Vanne o Sol d'eterna luce »*

Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)
7.  San Casimiro re di Polonia « Miei spirti guerrieri »

Giovanni Bononcini (1670-1747)
8. La Converzione di Maddalena « Al sibilar tremendo »*
9. La Converzione di Maddalena « In tepidi fiumi »*

Nicola Antonio Porpora (1686-1768)
10. Il Trionfo della Divina Giustizia « Ecco gia l'orrenda tromba »*

Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)
11. Giuditta « Del pianto vostro »
12. Giuditta « Posso e voglio »

Antonio Caldara (1670-1736)
13. Santa Francesca Romana « Miro che il fiumicello »*

Nicola Antonio Porpora (1686-1768)
14. Il Martirio di San Giovanni « Vanne nel vicin tempio »*
15. Il Martirio di San Giovanni « Fremer da lunge io sento »*

Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)
16. Il Gardino di Rose « Mentre io godo »

Antonio Caldara (1670-1736)
17. Il Martirio di Santa Caterina « Son gli strazi… Io spiro e volo »*

* premier enregistrement mondial first world recording

Total : 68'10

