
賽伊演奏自己作品 Say plays Say

賽伊演奏自己作品 Say plays Say
專輯編號: V5400
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2014
國際條碼: 0822186054000
音樂廠牌: NAIVE
庫存狀態: 已絕版
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"This new recording features, grouped together for the first time, the works for solo piano which Fazıl Say has composed and performed on stage worldwide over the two past decades: Black Earth, Paganini Jazz, Alla Turca Jazz, etc.. Also, following the tradition of composers such as Bartók, Enescu and Ligeti, many of Say’s works contain vivid allusions to the musical folklore of his roots – Turkey and Anatolia (e.g. Elegy of Old Istanbul, Bodrum, Nazim). These miniatures have become hits and represent the personal hymns of a pianist who has invented a unique musical language. “The piano pieces you are about to listen to in this CD and which I have been performing throughout my professional career, truly represent a ‘pianist’s piano music.’ There are also some vivid allusions to Turkey and Anatolia. In my younger days, I was also extremely fond of composing jazz variations of famous classical works, and we have included a few examples here. Throughout the years, I have always made a point of playing these pieces in my concerts, sometimes as an ‘encore piece’, sometimes as part of a themed performance or even as an ‘adaptation.’ Music connoisseurs who know me also know many of these works. Film-maker and writer Andrei Tarkovsky made an observation which I greatly admire: ‘Art is born out of an ill-designed world.’ So here are some humble examples as my attempt to explain a life though music. This is the first time I have assembled these pieces, some well-known, some not so familiar, together in one album.” -- Fazıl Say"
