
蘇阿德·馬西 希望 Souad Massi / Oumniya

蘇阿德·馬西 希望	Souad Massi / Oumniya
蘇阿德·馬西 希望	Souad Massi / Oumniya
專輯編號: NJ7075
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2019
國際條碼: 3700187670757
音樂廠牌: NAIVE
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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蘇阿德·馬西 希望
和從親密的到世界各地的女性致敬, 呼籲人人享有人權與尊嚴的權利.
這張阿爾及利亞女歌手蘇阿德·馬西新發行的專輯以自己的方式描繪出她人生的某些時刻和情緒. 還有她在職業生涯中與身為一個女人爭取自己提出的價值觀而努力的承諾.
在這新專輯中, 蘇阿德·馬西想談讓她感動的事, 讓她努力爭取的事: 女性與她們在各時代與世界各地的狀況, 大致上是說她挺追求人權的立場. 由於從事於改變阿爾及利亞的活動, 她在此高聲疾呼支援所有的打開通往獨立與讓所有人享有人權與尊嚴的奮鬥
渴望將此訊息廣泛的傳播, 她選擇音樂的動機是純潔的, 普遍的, 因此創造出北非Chabbi音樂與民謠之間的一座橋梁. 她邀請大家來體驗她的音樂來源和她充滿色彩多元性音樂的愛好.
她也希望大家能在這新專輯中重返蘇阿德·馬西的首次音樂表演特點: 直覺的, 沒有任何既定的目標. 她希望她的歌有自己的生命,  是"獨立"的音樂, 不受強制性的條文或分類的限制.
A tribute to women… from intimate to universal…a plea for Human Rights, and for the right to dignity for each and every one.
The various songs selected for this upcoming album render moments of her own life, her own emotions in a personal way. But also her commitments, her strive for the values she has puts forth whether in her career or in her life as a woman.
In this new project, Souad wants to talk about what touches her, what she strives for : women and their conditions through time and in the world, and more generally her stand for Human Rights. Engaged for the cause of change in Algeria, she raises her voice here in support of all struggles towards the opening of ways to independence and to the right to dignity for all human beings.
From a profound longing to reach out far and wide, her musical choices are pure, universal, thus creating a bridge between chaâbi and folk music.  Souad invites us to experience with her the source of her musical grounding, tinted by her genuine inclination for diversity.
She also wished for this new project to find return to the Souad of her musical debuts : instinctive and free from any set goals. She wishes for her songs to have a life of their own. Independence here again, in rather than the imposed diktats of categories and genres.
1. Oumniya
2. Yadra
3. Ban koulchi
4. Enta wena
5. Salam
6. Pays natal
7. Je veux apprendre
8. Fi bali
9. Wakfa
10. Je chante

