
舒伯特:小提琴與吉他奏鳴曲集 凱米二重奏 Duo KeMi / Schubert Sonatas on violin and guitar

就如同吉他手雅各.凱勒曼(Jacob Kellermann)在CD解說小冊子中指出吉他演奏改編的舒伯特音樂是一個不曾中斷過的傳統. 為了配合出版商在逐漸擴充的國內市場推廣下, 舒伯特的音樂生涯中已經有一些他最受歡迎的歌曲出現簡單的吉他伴奏. 舒伯特自己很少為吉他編寫音樂, 也因此有些人懷疑他寫吉他音樂的能力. 無論如何, 眾所周知的是在舒伯特與他的朋友們進入維也納中產階級社會時, 吉他是當時流行的樂器. 在CD解說中, 凱勒曼強調在當時的環境喜愛的是輕快無憂無慮的旋律, 如同呈現在大多數舒伯特風格的音樂, 因此用吉他來演奏是十分吸引人的. 凱米二重奏是吉他手雅各.凱勒曼與小提琴家丹尼爾.米格達爾在2006年組成, 兩人就經常擴充他們兩種樂器組合的曲目. 結果通常是由凱勒曼自己所改編的一些新作品, 例如在這張CD中的阿貝鳩奈奏鳴曲.

參考閱讀: 名家評論文章

As Jacob Kellermannpoints out in the liner notes to this disc, there is an unbroken tradition of performing arrangements of Franz Schubert's music on the guitar. Already in his lifetime some of his most popular songs appeared with simplified guitar accompaniment, marketed by music publishers wanting to exploit the growing market for domestic music-making. Schubert himself composed very little for the instrument, and there are doubts regarding Schubert's own skills on the instrument. Nevertheless it is well known that the guitar was in fashion with the middle-class Viennese among which Schubert and his circle of friends moved. In his notes, Kellermannargues that elements of the light, melody-driven and carefree musical style favoured in that environment and present in stylized form in much of Schubert's music is the very aspect that makes it so inviting to play on the guitar. DuoKeMiwas formed by Kellermannand Daniel Migdalin 2006, and the two are constantly aiming to expand the repertoire for their combination of instruments. This has resulted in a number of commissions as well as new transcriptions, often by Kellermannhimself as in the case of the much-loved Arpeggione Sonatarecorded here.

Franz Schubert (1797–1828)
Arrangements for violin and guitar
Sonata in A minor, ‘Arpeggione',D821 23'40 1) I. Allegro moderato 11'11 2) II. Adagio 3'36 3) III. Allegretto 8'49
Sonata (Duo) in A major, D574 23'28 4) I. Allegro moderato 9'23 5) II. Scherzo.Presto 4'30 6) III. Andantino 4'22 7) IV. Allegro vivace 5'19
Sonatina (Sonata) in D major, D384 13'12 8) I. Allegro molto 4'39 9) II. Andante 4'16 10) III. Allegro vivace 4'14
TT: 61'22
Duo KeMi Daniel Migdal violin·Jacob Kellermann guitar

