
向李斯特致敬 阿米爾卡茲 鋼琴 Amir Katz / Hommage à Liszt

向李斯特致敬 阿米爾卡茲 鋼琴	Amir Katz / Hommage à Liszt
向李斯特致敬 阿米爾卡茲 鋼琴	Amir Katz / Hommage à Liszt
專輯編號: C990202
專輯類型: 雙CD
發行年份: 2020
國際條碼: 4011790990224
音樂廠牌: Orfeo
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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向李斯特致敬  (12首超技練習曲/3首音樂會練習曲/帕格尼尼大練習曲)
阿米爾.卡茲  鋼琴

在錄製了(蕭邦練習曲 C898151)與(舒伯特八首即興曲 C922171)之後, 鋼琴家阿米爾.卡茲在他於Orfeo廠牌的第五片專輯中呈現一整張的李斯特節目. CD解說小冊子是阿米爾.卡茲主筆, 內含節錄李斯特學生的見證言詞.
李斯特的練習曲代表鋼琴寫作歷史的一個巔峰. 除了巨大的技術難度, 李斯特的練習曲是富有詩意的作品, 音畫練習曲(etudes tableaux), 倡議音樂節目受到文學, 繪畫和民間故事影響的可以用像 (馬采巴交響詩 Mazeppa), (野外狩獵 Wilde Jagd), (侏儒之舞Gnomenreigen)和(鬼火 Feux follets)這種標題來辨識. 類似於舒伯特的做法, 李斯特加上這些詩意的標題當作一種事後提醒來刺激聽眾或演奏家的幻想, 因此替今日眾所周知的鋼琴演奏鋪下一條路.
阿米爾.卡茲說:"我在此選擇帶來有關於此練習曲真實的見證, 來自於他在1880年代早期在威瑪(Weimar), 佩斯(Pest, 布達'佩斯')和羅馬的大師班課程, 在他於1886年逝世幾年之前. 這些見證來自於他的學生Carl Lachmund, August Gollerich, Vianna da Motta和Arthur Friedheim. 這些寶貴的見證提供我們一種原版而且啟發性的插畫, 忠實的表現出李斯特的大師班和他藝術般的教導感召".

Following Chopin’s Etudes and Schubert’s 8 Impromptus, Amir Katz now presents an all-Liszt programme on his fifth album for ORFEO. The booklet is written by Amir Katz and contains transcriptions of testimonies of Liszt’s students.
Liszt’s Etudes represent a peak in the history of piano writing. Beyond the tremendous technical difficulties, Liszt’s Etudes are poetic works, etudes tableaux, suggesting programme music influenced by literature, painting, and folklore as can be identified by titles such as Mazeppa, Wilde Jagd, Gnomenreigen and Feux follets. Similar to Schumann, Liszt added those lyrical headings as an afterthought to stimulate the fantasy of both the listener and the performer, thus paving the path to piano playing as we know it today.

“I have chosen to bring here authentic testimonies regarding the Etudes from the late masterclasses he gave in Weimar, Pest, and Rome in the early 1880s, just a few years before his death in 1886. The testimonies are given by his students Carl Lachmund, August Gollerich, Vianna da Motta and Arthur Friedheim. These precious testimonies provide us with an original and inspired illustration that faithfully represents Liszt’s masterclasses and his artistic calling." – Amir Katz

CD 1  73:48
Trois etudes de concert, S144
1 Il lamento  8:48
2 La leggierezza  5:03
3 Un sospiro  5:37
2 Etudes de Concert, S145
4 Waldesrauschen  4:09
5 Gnomenreigen  3:37
6 Ab irato, Grande etude de perfectionnement, S142/4b 2:44
Grandes Etudes de Paganini, S141
7 Etude No 1 in G minor (Preludio, Andante; Etude –  Non troppo lento) (“Tremolo") 4:55
8 Etude No 2 in E flat major (Andante capriccioso) 5:14
9 Etude No 3 in G sharp minor  (Allegretto) (“La campanella") 5:01
10 Etude No 4 in E major (Vivo) (“Arpeggio") 2:03
11 Etude No 5 in E major (La Chasse) (Allegretto) 3:02
12 Etude No 6 in A minor (Theme and Variations) (Quasi presto, a capriccio) 5:37
13 Reminiscences de Don Juan, S418 18:50

CD 2 62:29
Etudes d’execution transcendante, S139
1 I Preludio 0:54
2 II Molto vivace 2:26
3 III Paysage 4:17
4 IV Mazeppa 7:31
5 V Feux follets 3:59
6 VI Vision 6:02
7 VII Eroica 4:23
8 VIII Wilde Jagd 5:11
9 IX Ricordanza 9:41
10 X Presto molto agitato 4:31
11 XI Harmonies du soir 7:58
12 XII Chasse neige5:33

