
韋瓦第:小提琴協奏曲第八集(劇院) 朱利安·修方 小提琴 旅館音樂會合奏團 Julien Chauvin, Le Concert de la Loge / Vivaldi: Concerti per violino VIII 'Il teatro'

韋瓦第:小提琴協奏曲第八集(劇院) 朱利安·修方 小提琴 旅館音樂會合奏團	Julien Chauvin, Le Concert de la Loge / Vivaldi: Concerti per violino VIII 'Il teatro'
韋瓦第:小提琴協奏曲第八集(劇院) 朱利安·修方 小提琴 旅館音樂會合奏團	Julien Chauvin, Le Concert de la Loge / Vivaldi: Concerti per violino VIII 'Il teatro'
專輯編號: OP30585
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2020
國際條碼: 0709861305858
音樂廠牌: NAIVE
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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朱利安·修方 小提琴

這是第一次一位法國小提琴家加入一群聲望很高的獨奏家們一起錄製韋瓦第作品大全集. 小提琴家朱利安·修方和他創立於2015年的旅館音樂會合奏團 - 團名來自於十八世紀末期的最著名的管弦樂團之一(Concert de la Loge Olympique) – 在此流露出一種有創造力有豐富細節的協奏曲風格的魅力, 其特色是有韋瓦第最愛的樂器. 這組協奏曲凸顯出韋瓦第的樂器與歌劇作品之間始終如一的密切聯結關係.
米蘭大學教授Cesare Fertonani說:"這位威尼斯作曲家超越了各種音樂類別的差異,在語言與風格的統一概念讓他能像個熟練的雜耍人從一個領域跳到另一個, 讓這些領域樂於在共同點之上匯聚在一起".
This is the first time a French violinist has joined the line of prestigious solo virtuosi recording for the Vivaldi Edition. Violinist Julien Chauvin and his Concert de la Loge – founded in 2015, and modelled on one of the most celebrated orchestras of the late 18th century – here reveal all the discreet charms of an inventive concertante style rich in detail, featuring Vivaldi's favoured instrument. This particular set of concerti highlight the consistently close links between Vivaldi's instrumental and operatic works.
'Transcending the difference of genre, the Venetian composer's unitary conception of language and style allowed him to pass with the deft skill of a juggler from one domain to the other, making them happily converge on common ground,' writes Cesare Fertonani.
Concerti per violino VIII 'Il teatro'
Concerto per violino RV 187 in do maggiore
1 Allegro 4'21
2 Largo ma non molto 3'38
3 Allegro 4'24
Concerto per violino RV 387 in si minore
4 Allegro 3'30
5 Largo 2'50
6 Allegro 2'42
Concerto per violino RV 235 in re minore
7 Allegro non molto 4'16
8 Adagio 3'08
9 Allegro 3'34
Concerto per violino RV 217 in re maggiore
10 Allegro 3'54
11 Largo 3'31
12 Allegro 3'55
Concerto per violino RV 321 in sol minore
13 Ballo, Allegro 3'39
14 Largo 2'31
15 Allegro 2'36
Concerto per violino RV 366 'Il Carbonelli' in si bemolle maggiore
16 Allegro 3'30
17 Grave adagio 2'08
18 Allegro 3'52

