CHSA5261 Respighi - Roman Trilogy - John Wilson

01 Circenses (Circuses) 4:16
02 Il Giubileo (The Jubilee) 6:30
03 L'Ottobrata (The October Festival) 7:51
04 La Befana (The Epiphany) 5:15
05 La Fontana Di Valle Giulia All'alba (The Fountain Of Valle Giulia At Dawn) 4:17
06 La Fontana Del Tritone Mattino (The Triton Fountain In The Morning) 2:23
07 La Fontana Di Trevi Al Meriggio (The Trevi Fountain At Noon) 3:04
08 La Fontana Di Villa Medici Al Tramonto (The Villa Medici Fountain At Sunset) 5:15
09 I Pini Di Villa Borghese (The Pines Of The Villa Borghese) 2:39
10 Pini Presso Una Catacomba (Pines Near A Catacomb) 6:40
11 I Pini Del Gianiclo (The Pines Of The Janiculum) 6:43
12 I Pini Di Via Appia (The Pines Of The Appian Way) 5:12