
瓦洛克:藝術歌曲 Songs by Peter Warlock

瓦洛克:藝術歌曲 Songs by Peter Warlock
專輯編號: CDH55442
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2014
國際條碼: 0034571154428
音樂廠牌: Hyperion
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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菲利普・赫塞廷(Philip Arnold Heseltine)1894年生於倫敦,儘管一生只有36個年頭,但是他以筆名彼得・瓦洛克所寫的藝術歌曲卻擄獲英國普羅大眾的心靈。創作時習慣以16、17世紀的詩詞入曲是他的一大特色,同時巧妙的將兩世紀音樂中最纖細最感性的部分融入自己的作品當中。瓦洛克同時也是伊麗莎白時代音樂權威,光是編纂伊麗莎白一世和詹姆斯一世時期給人聲與鍵盤或是給合唱團的魯特琴歌曲就超過三百首。
要在這些作品中找到同時具備優美輕盈與動人心弦兩者的錄音可說難如登天,因此這張專輯簡直就是天上掉下來的大禮。英國男高音約翰.馬克.安斯利錄製此盤時正值顛峰,無論是情緒轉折或是抑揚頓挫皆是發揮的淋漓盡致,如果你經常收集Harmonia mundi或是Hyperion的藝術歌曲專輯,應該會經常發現羅傑.威格諾斯的名字,受到20世紀最偉大鋼琴伴奏家傑拉德.摩爾(Gerald Moore, 1899-1987)的啟發,威格諾斯立下志向朝此發展並且成績斐然。他和根茲亦是經常合作的伙伴,最能襯托根茲完美詮釋的鋼琴家當然非他莫屬。
1 The wind from the West  Blow high, blow low [2'47]
2 To the memory of a great singer  Bright is the ring of words [1'45]
3 Take, O take those lips away [1'57]
4 As ever I saw  She is gentle and also wise [1'33]
5 The bayley berith the bell away  The maidens came when I was in my mother's bow'r [2'38]
6 There is a lady sweet and kind [1'41]
7 Lullaby  Golden slumbers kiss your eyes [1'52]
8 Sweet content  Art thou poor, yet hast thou golden slumbers? [1'37]
9 Late summer  The fields are full of summer still [1'55]
10 The singer  In the dim light of the golden lamp [1'19]
11 Rest, sweet nymphs [2'29]
12 Sleep  Come, sleep, and with thy sweet deceiving [2'42]
13 A sad song  Lay a garland on my hearse [1'46]
14 In an arbour green [1'21]
15 Autumn twilight  The long September evening dies [2'49]
Two short songs [2'12]
16 I held love's head [1'22]
17 Thou gav'st me leave to kiss [0'50]
18 Yarmouth Fair  As I rode down to Yarmouth Fair [1'56]
19 Pretty ring time  It was a lover and his lass [1'29]
Two songs [3'19]
20 A prayer to St Anthony of Padua  Saint Anthony whom I bear [1'27]
21 The sick heart  O sick heart, be at rest! [1'52]
22 Robin Goodfellow  And can the physician make sick men well? [1'33]
23 Jillian of Berry  For Jillian of Berry she dwells on a hill [0'41]
24 Fair and true  Lovely kind, and kindly loving [2'38]
Three Belloc songs [7'19]
25 Ha'nacker Mill  Sally is gone that was so kindly [2'40]
26 The night  Most holy night, that still dost keep [2'06]
27 My own country  I shall go without companions [2'33]
28 The first mercy  Ox and ass at Bethlehem [3'02]
29 The lover's maze  O be still, be still, unquiet thoughts, and rest on love's adventer [1'42]
30 Cradle song  Be still, my sweet sweeting, no longer do cry [4'05]
31 Sigh no more, ladies [1'09]
32 Passing by  There is a lady sweet and kind [2'20]
33 The contented lover  Now sleep, and take thy rest [1'36]
34 The Fox  At The Fox Inn [3'03]

