
千禧年的威尼斯(700-1797) 約第.沙瓦爾 指揮 / Jordi Savall / Venezia Millenaria

千禧年的威尼斯(700-1797) 約第.沙瓦爾 指揮 / Jordi Savall / Venezia Millenaria
專輯編號: AVSA9925
專輯類型: 雙CD
發行年份: 2018
國際條碼: 9788494631115
音樂廠牌: ALIA VOX
庫存狀態: 目前無庫存
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For approximately a thousand years, from 700 to 1797, the city of Venice played a pre-eminent role in the Mediterranean and in the history of the world. Situated in a lagoon fed by two rivers where a number of small, precarious settlements had grown up along the coast, Venice was founded by the Byzantines, who made it a crossroads between the East and the West. This essentially aquatic city, with its network of canals, attracted merchants of many different origins who worked towards a common goal: to create a thriving hub of business, exchange and interests.

The city gradually developed a trade in goods from the East (spices, silks, precious metals, luxury items) to the West, which were exchanged for other goods and commodities (such as salt and timber) bound for the East.

1. Fanfare (Instrumental D'Apres Une Melodie Du Siecle VIII)-1:11 
2. Alleluia (Choral byzantin)-5:26 
3. Halatzoglou kratema (Instrumental byzantin)-1:45 
4. Chanson de Croisade: Pax in nomine Domini – Marcabru (1100-1150)-2:55 
5. Danse de l'âme (Afrique du Nord) [Instrumental] [Tradition Berbere]-2:44 
6. Hymne pour les services des Matins-6:50 
7. Chanson & Danse Armenienne (Xiiie Siecle)-2:35 
8. Conductus: O Totus Asie Gloria, Regis Alexandria Filia (Xiiie Siecle)-2:19 
9. Istampitta: Saltarello (mss.  XIVe siecle)-2:25 
10. Pasan tin elpida mu-4:35 
11. Chiave, chiave (Instrumental) [Debut du XVe siecle]-1:20 
12. Adoramus te (Chansonnier du XVe siecle)-2:57 
13. Hirmos Calophonique: Tin Deisin mu (XVe siecle)-5:26  
14. Marche Ottomane Nikriz peşrev – Ali Ufki Bey-2:08 
15. Lamentio Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae-7:42 
16. La Guerre: La Bataille de Marignan-7:21 
17. Cantique des Cantiques (3,1-4): Qamti be-Ishon Layla-3:20 
18. Villanesca alla napolitana: Vecchie letrose-2:46 
19. Der makam-ı Uzzal Sakîl (Instrumental ottoman)-4:21 
20. Madrigal: Oíd, oíd. . .  [. . . las buenas nuevas de Lepanto]-6:02 

1. Psaumes de David.  Ficht wider meine Anfechter (Psaume 35)-2:13 
2. Gefsasthe ke idete-4:30 
3. Sousta (Instrumental) [Danse de Chypre]-1:58 
4. Ricercar VII-2:35 
5. Hymne de la Sainte Eucharistie (En slave)-2:22 
6. Laïla Djân (Instrumental) [Danse Perse]-2:34 
7. Psaume 137, (1-6): 'Al naharot bavel-3:34 
8. Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, SV 153-16:51 
9. Sinfonia Seconda4:14 
10. Der Makam-i-Rehavi Cember-i-Koca (Marche ottomane)-3:05 
11. La Senna festeggiante, RV 693: Di queste selve venite, o Numi -4:12 
12. Alla turca (Allegretto) [D'apres la Sonate No.  11 en La Majeur, K.  331 de Mozart]-4:09 
13. Deo gratias (Hymne Orthodoxe Russe du XVIe siecle)-7:26 
14. Chanson Constitutionnelle Nous sommes tous egaux-2:40 
15. Canzonette veneziane da battello.  Raccolta di gondoliere: Per quel bel viso-3:43 
16. Canzonette veneziane da battello.  Raccolta di gondoliere: Mia cara Anzoletta-2:50 
17. La Sainte Ligue (La nuit est sombre) [D'apres les Symphonies No.  5 et No.  7 de Beethoven]-9:41

