九件手風琴作品 當代作曲家手風琴與弦樂五重奏
費利西安.布魯 手風琴
艾德華.馬卡雷茲 低音大提琴
"九"如同貝多芬的九大交響曲和手風琴accordion有九個字母...一位在2020年的手風琴家如何能向這位偉大作曲家留下許多的作品致敬? 手風琴家, 費利西安.布魯接受這個挑戰, 將九位非常不同審美觀點的作曲家的九件作曲收集在這份節目中, 每一位都曾寫過受到貝多芬音樂基本特色所啟發的一件作品.
"Nine" like Beethoven's nine symphonies and like the nine letters of the word accordion ... How can an accordionist, in 2020, pay homage to the considerable work left by this immense composer? Felicien Brut takes up the challenge by bringing together in a single program nine works by nine composers with very different aesthetics, each of whom has written a piece inspired by a characteristic element of Beethoven's music.
1. Stephane Delplace L'Odieuse Fugue 6'57 2. Fabien Waksman Carcere Oscura 6'51 3. Patrice d'Ollone Reconciliation * 4'57 4. Thibault Perrine In Memoriam 7'02 5. Domi Emorine Tempete au Balajo * 4'42 6. Corentin Apparailly Depuis les Ombres 6'37 7. Jean-Francois Zygel Il est la 3'15 8. Cyrille Lehn Tarentelle a Kreutzer 4'15 9. Thomas Enhco Apres l'Orage 4'34 |
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