
倫敦 - 17世紀普塞爾時代的音樂 夢想家樂團 La Reveuse / London (Circa 1700): Purcell & his Generation

倫敦 - 17世紀普塞爾時代的音樂  夢想家樂團	La Reveuse / London (Circa 1700): Purcell & his Generation
倫敦 - 17世紀普塞爾時代的音樂  夢想家樂團	La Reveuse / London (Circa 1700): Purcell & his Generation
專輯編號: MIR368
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2019
國際條碼: 3760127223696
音樂廠牌: MIRARE
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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在十七世紀末期, 倫敦變成一個充滿了希望的城市, 實現夢想的戲院和音樂會幾乎每天都爆滿, 因此音樂出版市場蓬勃的發展. 這個正處於經濟擴張高峰的偉大歐洲首都, 大量的吸引音樂家移入居住. 倫敦在興盛的英國傳統與歐洲式創新推動下, 提供最佳適合樂器音樂發展的環境.

At the end of the seventeenth century, London became a city full of promise, the stuff that dreams were made of: theatres and concerts were packed every night and the music publishing market was flourishing. This great European capital at the height of its economic expansion was extremely attractive to the foreign musicians who settled there in large numbers. It provided a most favourable context for the development of instrumental music, fuelled by the final flowering of the English tradition and by the latest European innovations.

Sonata No.3 in D minor [Z.792]: [Sans indication] – Adagio
Sonata No.3 in D minor [Z.792]: Canzona: [Allegro] – Adagio
Sonata No.3 in D minor [Z.792]: Poco largo – Allegro
A Ground in D minor for recorder :
Trio Sonata in G minor: Adagio
Trio Sonata in G minor: Canzone: Allegro – Adagio – Presto
Trio Sonata in G minor: Adagio
Trio Sonata in G minor: [Allegro] – Vivace – Adagio
Ground in G minor for two recorders :
Suite in D minor for recorder: Ouverture
Suite in D minor for recorder: A Farewell
Suite in D minor for recorder: Jigg
Suite in D minor for recorder: A Ground
Sonata Seconda in D for viola da gamba: Allegro – Adagio – Allegro – Adagio – Presto – Adagio
Sonata Seconda in D for viola da gamba: Aria
Sonata Seconda in D for viola da gamba: Adagio – [Allegro] – [Allegro]
Sonata Terza in D minor for two recorders : Adagio
Sonata Terza in D minor for two recorders : Allegro
Sonata Terza in D minor for two recorders : Largo
Sonata Terza in D minor for two recorders : Allegro
Sonata Sexta in F minor for violin : Adagio
Sonata Sexta in F minor for violin : Allegro
Sonata Sexta in F minor for violin : Adagio
Sonata Sexta in F minor for violin : Allegro
Sonata in F two recorders and two violins : [Allegro]
Sonata in F two recorders and two violins : Adagio
Sonata in F two recorders and two violins : Allegro
Sonata No.6 in G minor [Z.807]

